Thursday, May 05, 2016

[LONGRICH TESTIMONY] Ulcer Completely Healed By Alkaline Water

Testimony Of A Longricher.

I am a living witness of the Longrich pi cup.The very acute ulcer that i had almost killed me. So how did it work? Being an alkaline cup, it kept on reducing the acidity in my stomach which was produced by the multiple ulcer wounds thereby allowing the wounds to heal naturally. It will interest you to know that the doctors were already suggesting a major surgery to cut off the bad part of my intestines but I was sure that I also had multiple wounds in my stomach walls not just my intestines. I was so fragile and weak . I couldn't do anything. Sat down all day. At a point, my legs couldn't carry me. I couldn't stand noise or dare look at any bright light.

The fear of dying and leaving my little cute kids worsened my situation. I had severe heart palpitations, severe acidosis, high BP etc.My immune system was very low. I could only eat boiled yam without stew or oil. Skinny is a better word, I was bony. Longrich pi cup reduced drastically the acidity, boosted my energy and allowed the wounds to gradually heal.

I'm very healthy now. I'm leaving a normal life, eating everything and most importantly with a burst of energy. M y testimony has also helped a lot of ulcer patients that's why I love sharing. I must tell you that I also checked what I ate. I stayed off junk food, carbonated soft drinks, fried foods and drank lots of water especially in the morning. This made the cup work faster.

It will also interest you to know that the antibiotics and antacids I took didn't help. They actually worsened my situation. They gave me osteoporosis. My bones were in a mess. I couldn't squat or stand up to 5 mins but recently I attended an event and there were no seats so i stood for about 2 hrs with my shoes on. I was shocked.

To me my healing is what I thank God most for bringing Longrich to me. Every other thing na jara. At a point doctors were confused so money couldn't help me. I would see food and cry because no matter how appetizing it looked or tasted, I couldn't eat it. It was at that time that i realized the saying that everything is vain. All I wanted was to be alive first. Imagine that 3 consultants were confused about my case. In fact I became a case study. That was when I knew that I needed a miracle which came in form of this lovely coy. When i say with all my heart that i love Longrich, People don't understand.

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